CategoryAssorted Legal forms

Assignment of Mortgage


Sample Assignment Of Mortgage What does mortgage assignment mean? The transfer of the security instrument that underpins your mortgage loan—also known as your home—is referred to as an assignment of mortgage. This is a statutory phrase that describes the process. When a mortgage is sold by a lender to an investor, the investor is essentially purchasing the note at the same time that they are...

Assignment of Escrow Funds and Insurance


Sample Assignment Of Escrow Funds And Insurance What does it mean to put funds in escrow? Escrow is a contractual arrangement where a third party briefly holds money or assets until a certain requirement has been met. Until that condition has been met, the money or property is held in escrow (such as the fulfillment of a purchase agreement). During the entire process of purchasing a home, it is...

 Affidavit of Memorandum for Purchase and Sale


Sample &Nbsp;Affidavit Of Memorandum For Purchase And Sale can memorandum of association be amended? SEC Letter Ref No. 16, issued by the Securities and Exchange (SEC), s. Incorporators of new domestic businesses may now certify the Articles of Organization (AOI) by attaching a Certificate of Validation (Certificate) to them as an alternative to notarizing or authenticating them, per Circular...

Acquisition Management Letter


Sample Acquisition Management Letter What is an acquisition letter? Acquisition Letters, also known as ALs, are documents that are issued by the Senior Procurement Executives of the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration. ALs are created with the intention of being used by procurement experts working for the DOE and NNSA, most notably Contracting Officers, as well...